1. Dlaczego gazeta z 9 marca 2013 roku będzie udanym egzemplarzem?
Ponieważ ukaże się za trzy lata. To znaczy, że w tym dniu, w 2013 roku ludzkość będzie miała za sobą te trzy lata, które w tej chwili stoją przed nią. Trzy Boże Narodzenia, trzy Wielkanoce, trzy Dni Niepodległości, trzy imprezy urodzinowe, trzy razy wakacje, trzy wiosny, trzy zimy, trzy jesienie, trzy lata. Gazeta na pewno będzie ciekawa, bo będę ją czytać przy stole, jedząc śniadanie. Będę wtedy jeść śniadania, prawdopodobnie z przyjaciółmi. No i poranna kawa, poranna kawa definitywnie musi wejść w moje menu śniadaniowe do tego czasu, bo na tym to polega – jedną ręką trzymasz gazetę i przeglądasz ją, bo nie masz czasu na uważne czytanie, w drugiej ręce jest kubek z kawą, a dodatkowo – spoglądając znad gazety – uczestniczysz w wesołej konwersacji, najlepiej o niczym. Do jedzenia będą gofry z owocami. Ewentualnie francuskie tosty, to zależy od tego, na co będziemy mieli ochotę tego dnia, przecież nie da się wszystkiego dokładnie określić. W takim razie ręka, która trzyma kubek z kawą, będzie go musiała od czasu do czasu wymieniać na gofra (lub francuski tost). Naprawdę, bardzo udany numer, w prawdzie nieco poplamiony dżemem, ale wciąż bardzo udany.
2. Do czego służy młotek?
Młotek jest jednym z najstarszych narzędzi i służy do uderzania w materiał w celu jego obróbki. Jest wiele rodzajów młotków, na przykład młotek blacharski, młotek ciesielski, młot na czarownice, młotek neurologiczny, młotek kuchenny, rzeźbiarski, młot Thora czy młotek do głowy. Czym jest młotek do głowy? Według angielskiego porzekadła (w brzmieniu: „why do I keep hitting my head with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop.”) młotek ten służy do uderzania się nim po głowie. Niezbyt gwałtownie i agresywnie, ponieważ możemy doprowadzić do uszkodzeń mózgu, natomiast bardzo miarodajnie, wręcz rytmicznie, tak, aby wyrył nam się w pamięci sam dźwięk uderzania obuchem o głowę. Na samo wspomnienie owego dźwięku powinniśmy czuć przytłaczające zmęczenie oraz obezwładniającą irytację, dlatego właśnie – w momencie, kiedy stukanie ustaje, nie czujemy już zimnej stali na skórze, nie słyszymy stukotu, nagle okazuje się, że tyle wystarczy, abyśmy poczuli się wyjątkowo szczęśliwi. Niektórzy ludzie nie zgadzają się z tym i wymieniają swoje młotki na coś innego, ale ja uwielbiam swój młotek. W prawdzie z jednej strony już się trochę starł i niedługo trzeba będzie kupić nowy, ale nie wymieniłabym go nawet na cały Upper East Side.
3. Co należy włożyć do pudełka?
Bardzo dużo rzeczy. W ogóle, na początek – polecam wszystkim pudełka po szkockich ciasteczkach, są naprawdę rewelacyjne. W pierwszej kolejności chowamy talerz z Egiptu. Talerz z Egiptu powinien bezwzględnie znaleźć się w pudełku. A następnie kamienna Juno, chociaż wiem – szkoda jej trochę, bo wygląda naprawdę ekstra, ale to nie podlega dyskusji. No i zdjęcie – zdjęcie w zasadzie powinno być na pierwszym miejscu, bo jest najstraszniejsze z tego wszystkiego. A talerz z Egiptu, między nami mówiąc, przydaje się jako podstawka pod truflowe świeczki… ale nie, nie można go już wyjąć, nich tam siedzi. Dalej… karteczki. Taak, je też koniecznie trzeba przenieść, utrudnić dostęp, bo są jak złe duchy przeszłości. I nie wolno robić nowych karteczek! A jeśli już tak się zdarzy, to bezzwłocznie muszą zawędrować do pudełka. Właściwie, najlepiej włożyć do pudełka całe podwzgórze i korę mózgową.
Niektórzy ludzie do pudełek wkładają buty. Albo biżuterię. Albo stare książki czy kosmetyki. Moja mama ma w pudełku przybory do szycia, a babcia trzyma w pudełkach… babcia wszystko trzyma w pudełkach. Podsumowując, nie ma takiej rzeczy, której nie można włożyć do pudełka, o ile pozwalają na to jej rozmiary. Pudełka są kapitalne!
4. Jak uratować życie?
Wstrzyknąć dożylnie 10mg płynnej czekolady. Wszczepić w okolice przysadki specjalny zbiornik uwalniający czekoladę w stanie półpłynnym co 15 minut. Przeszczepić wątrobę z żywej tkanki na czekoladową wątrobę (upewnić się, że w środku czekoladowych ścian jest czekoszkielet, którego zadaniem jest umacnianie konstrukcji). W przypadku konieczności odjęcia kończyny górnej zaleca się przyłączenie wafelka, a następnie napełnianie go czekoladowymi lodami do końca życia. Tabletki z czekolady pomagają w rehabilitacji (tabletki wykonane z wyrobów czekoladopodobnych zagrażają życiu płodu). U pacjentów z tachykardią, przed rozpoczęciem defibrylacji należy zadbać o to, aby panele były dokładnie wysmarowane białą czekoladą (mleczna może powodować dużą impedancję). W przypadku problemów z oddychaniem (np. alergiczne opuchnięcia tchawicy) bezzwłocznie zaintubować i przez rurkę intubacyjną bardzo powoli wlewać płynną czekoladę, pamiętając, że jej konsystencja musi być niezwykle rzadka, aby nie zalać płuc poszkodowanego (w takiej sytuacji utopi się on w czekoladzie) oraz aby była lepiej przyswajalna dla hemoglobiny przepływającej wraz z krwią przez płuca, która wykazuje znacznie większe powinowactwo do czekolady o mniejszej gęstości. W przypadku odwodnienia można również podać kroplówkę z płynami, gdzie biała czekolada z mleczną powinny się mieszać w stosunku molowym 3:1.
5. Where does the good go?
wtorek, 9 marca 2010
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Good doesn't go anywhere. There is no good nor evil. There is only a failed imitation of subconsciousness that overwhelming majority of blinded people call reality. All your good deeds just do vanish. In the haze. So does the bad ones. Now all we can do is to rejoice in the music, join with the music, lose ourselves in the music and find our ego through the sound.
OdpowiedzUsuńForget the false prophets of the fall, forget the false prophets of the rise. Live with us in a bright forest of azure. For we never know the future, for we never know the past, for we never know what truly is right now. For we actually know nothing at all. There's no good nor evil, and so there is no life nor death. No peace nor war. No light nor darkness. Everything is just an edge between elements. Between earth and water there is shore. Between fire and air there is smoke. Between Heaven and Hell there is Earth. And in the middle of it all there is a Man. Poor, weak, left by his own, left to be distracted, left to be deaf and blind, and hungry, and thirsty. Left to be stupid and being misunderstood. Left to misunderstand. Left to be dead. Truly the Man can't realize the truth for he has been told a lie. Once there, in the mysterious Garden of eternal jollity where miserable God's creature crawled to the Man and told him a lie. Showed him the world we all know as the only one existing. While not existing at all. This words you are reading right now, can you tell they are existing? No, you can't. But can you tell they are not existing? no, you can't. There is nothing sure in life. Or death.
Heading back to the beginning: once again: good doesn't go anywhere. Cheers.
Seriously? There's no good or evil? Seriously? Well, you've officially made my life completely irrelevant by that statement. I don't get how people can possibly say such things, I know it's very philosophical and 'philosophical' isn't exactly my thing, but I also know that there's quite a distinction between murdering kid and saving kid, stealing money and working honestly for the money, being rude to everyone and smiling at everyone, those things are more or less called "good" and "bad". I don't believe that the world is black and white, but I also don't believe it is blurred into big, chaotic nothing. There are lines, they may not be harsh, but they do exist, which is basically the reason why we do the things we do, why we say the things we say - that's because if we'd said something opposite it wouldn't match our beliefs, our opinions, so simultaneously it wouldn't match us. A bunch of second class actors running all over the world - is that how you see it all? For real? Like for real-for real? Well, whatever your theory is - I don't like it. I don't like it all, so I'll keep on thinking where the hell the good goes, and by the way - I'm pretty convinced it's nowhere warm, and I have no clever arguments to support it, I just think so. For all it's worth - lack of good and bad existence takes away the joy of making choices (because what's the freakin' difference?), it basically ruins the whole idea of trying to live our lives the best we can. I don't want to be irrelevant. I am NOT irrelevant, though my attempts to desperately make my life meaningful may seem pathetic - it's still better that drowning in constant indifference. So, yeah - cheers.
OdpowiedzUsuńWell that's exactly my point: there is difference between killing a kid and saving a kid - but this difference as seen by men is not true at all. How can we know that soul of a murdered kid didn't went to a, let's call it, Eden, while soul of this saved kid will fall down into misery and so called sin? Now what is better, what is worse? According to money-making - is it a difference? Really? Because hey, what I can see is that they do say "Good man" about really big thieves. But hell whatever, doesn't really matter.
OdpowiedzUsuńNo good nor evil - I mean here. On this Earth, in our lives. We are not the ones to judge for we will be judged in the end. The Adonai, God, Absolut, however do we call the Great Creator, if he is omnipotent and if he is good, and if he will do the Judgement - but that's all big IF - only he could say what was good. I wouldn't be so convinced about going this "good" to him, because if he is almighty then he just knows all.
But hey, I've lost my flow and seem not able to go back to it. And not trying to convince you in any way to anything - but I know my previous post could sound like telling the one and only truth, sorry for that. I'd like to admit that I am just sure about one and only thing - all is uncertain, except death. God, made it again. Have a nice evening, please.
Yeah. That's a great point. Go and kill some kids, it isn't a bad thing after all, is it? What about further steps? Like maybe perhaps releasing the criminals from the jails? What the hell, maybe they've saved somebody's soul by actually murdering them? And what about the thieves? They steal things, money in a first place. What if the money owner would buy a nuclear bomb with it and blow up the entire continent? He may also have planned to pay his daughter's college tuition and the fact that the great amount of money has been stolen from this family will cost her her future, but - according to you - who are we to call it 'a bad thing'? And now, people, my favourite part: "[what if] the soul of this saved kid will fall down into misery and so called sin?". Two things: first, I'll give up being a doctor. Why saving life if there's such a huge possibility that the patient will never fully recover mentally or he won't be grateful for the chance he was given? Doctors all over the world: here's the great advice - change your professions, because you're no longer considered as life-savers, from now on you're just annoying group of people who intubate sick people for your own benefit. And second - you, using the word 'sin', is a vivid inconsistency. How would you define 'sin'? Because for all I know, after simplifying the Bible and other wisdom sources, that would be 'a bad thing'. And you cannot know if it's bad or not - 'bad' doesn't exist, you've made that clear. So please... please, stop trying to convince whoever read this blog, that killing a kid, a God damn kid, may turn out to be the best that could ever happen to it. You're kind of less human.
OdpowiedzUsuń(Don't take it all too personally, I still like you)
I told you. Not tryin' to convince.
OdpowiedzUsuńYeah yeah yeah. Fine. A "so called sin". I don't want to define it because I am not competent to do it. Because, as far as I remember, all things people did, no matter what saying, turned to "bad". I made my point going out of it. That all human wisdom is a bunch of bullshit, given to a Man by Satan, Ahriman, bad ghost or whoever would it be.
Personally, I'm a creationist. I mean, I do believe in some kind of creator, not willing to solving the problem "was there evolution or wasn't", that's not a point. Then, if there is a Creator ("good"), there have to be the Destructor ("bad"). Then, the Only Good would be C., Only Bad - D. Unfortunately you started the topic of killing, and MD's and stuff. Yeah, and hell, this world is nothing, so being killed is nothing. IMHO.
I could write it on and on, but I'm getting tired of this, firstly because I hardly remember my exact thoughts, secondly, because I don't give a shit if someone says I'm right and thirdly, because you're too sarcastic, this makes me too confused to discuss. No offense, please. I'll stay with my opinion, you'll stay with yours
Yeah, and, according to "God damn kid" - remember what John Milton (aka Satan) said to Kevin Lomax about Eddie Barzoon? "God's creature!" ;)
Yeah, I think this conversation should definitely be over, I can feel an unhealthy tension in here. You think human wisdom is bullshit, and I think that human wisdom is... well, it's human wisdom! It doesn't suck that much, we've invented some pretty cool stuff that would be difficult to live without right now, but my point is - we obviously see thins differently and in this area - I don't think we can reach any consensus, we're not grown up enough :P And also I'm sorry for crossing the line - yes, I believe it exists - I probably overreacted a little. So just wait and I'm sure I'll come up with another childish, silly question (like all of the ones I asked in the note or whatever it is you write on the blog xD), because if it comes to ask naive questions I consider myself as kind of a master! :)
OdpowiedzUsuń(on the other hand, that's a shame we've already decided to finish the discussion at this point, because I hoped Dan would join us. well, as I said - next question is probably on its way xD)
Suppose I'm a little late, but here are my two cents.
OdpowiedzUsuńWhere does the good go, you're asking. While I cannot agree with Morgoth at all, he's made an interesting point by questioning the subject. Why does the good have to go anywhere in the first place?
And this, this is where similarities vanish. I am not going to say there's no good and no evil, no nothing. Quite the opposite, actually. Really, leaving this whole judgment business down to God or whatever, that's taking the easy way out, dude. In my perception, it is not about how we might be judged by others – it is about how we ourselves feel about our actions. I am not talking about the concept of the good and the evil in terms of some code of morality or the human written law, no. Ultimately, it all plays down in one’s mind. Whether one’s mind is affected by those virtues and laws, that’s a whole different story.
In a nutshell, good is what we believe is good. The thing is, our belief is to be confronted by the above mentioned morality and the law, by which the majority goes. All I am saying here is, if you truly believe in what you are doing is right (or righteous) – carry on, keep on doing that, and keep on doing that the very best way you can. (For the record, while I am not really talking about extreme situations here, I guess it portraits quite well the way a lot of that works in the world of today. From the top of my head, an example of terrorism. I do not mean to excuse those responsible, but they are fighting for what they believe is right. Whereas in our minds their actions or pure evil and a cause of a great amount of pain and suffering. And this is where I am torn within, ‘cause contrary to what I’m saying in this entire comment, I am not willing to accept and settle down for that, but… that’s belief, that’s what I am talking about.)
Now to answer the given question, the good doesn’t go anywhere. The good and the evil, they both stay right here, right now, where we are and where we perform them. They might serve and please us, they might fail and disappoint us, and they sure as hell are to attract some attention and consequences.
You know, guess I am not even making sense here, there are great chances that all I am doing is rambling, but that’s my input, enjoy.